Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 09:32 No.57277 del
also Winona Ryder was ridiculously cute in Alien Resurrection. I can see why she was considered "a 90s icon". I've only ever known the old, ugly Winona. I mean I had seen pictures of her younger self but it hits different when you're exposed to several minutes of her perfect little face. Obviously the basis of her attractiveness is the fact that she looks 12 but you'll never get the normies to admit that. As for the movie itself (who tf cares lmao MOVIES lmao) you can tell it was directed by Whedon. it's formulaic and mediocre. but it does get some things right that 3 didn't, like the pacing, so I wouldn't say it's that much worse. these two movies together with Covenant are definitely the weakest links. 3 had a great premise with the whole isolated prison colony thing but the writing wasn't up to snuff. it should've been a much better movie than it was. and I watched the "assembly cut" which I guess is supposed to undo most of the studio meddling. yeah I'm sorry it's still pretty sucky. feels like some meandering european drama half the time and then when the alien shows up it's some embarrassingly bad CGI that makes the first movie look like it was made this year. bravo fincher, crazy impressive stuff. Resurrection is at least a little less boring owing to our favorite auteur's sense of dynamism but it's still slop and arguably even worse than 3 overall. At least now I get to say I watched all the Alien movies. Honestly one of the direct to video Hellraisers was better than these two