Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 04:22 No.57307 del
>you implied people like Alien only because of big spooky monster.
oh I see where the confusion stems from now. Sadly I'm not convinced the general audience actually realized that there was much more to Alien than the spooky monster. Just because things don't go over your head that doesn't mean that's the case for everyone. Most of the whining about Prometheus certainly did seem to revolve around the lack of spooky scary xenomorphs baring their teeth for the camera and chasing people around corridors. Be glad those people don't demand that scott add benny hill music too. Not everyone who likes Alien is an intellectual

>with a female friend
did you pay her an hourly rate because if you paid her then it doesn't count I'm sorry

>so much like Silent Hill / Jacob's Ladder
that's basically what it is, true

>lacked the original world building
That may have been a good thing, at least for that movie in particular if not for the franchise. I know you don't mean "world" in the literal sense but I thought the rendition of hell as a physical place in the second movie was actually quite bad. I mean the concepts were good, but it could've been executed much better. I'm glad they didn't try to do that and fail as badly as that movie did or even worse. I'm afraid you need a decent budget for that approach

>Did you watch the not-cannonically-prometheus-but-prometheus show? (Raised by Wolves).
yes and I posted about it here a few times but I don't blame you for forgetting. I post a lot of things. I loved the first season and a chunk of the second one but at some point it started feeling like the writers didn't really know where they were going. It felt like they were making things up as they went and they started running out of inspiration towards the end. It was a solid effort and surprisingly unapologetic about what it was though. I wish it hadn't been cancelled, maybe the third season would've been better