Anonymous 09/05/2024 (Thu) 06:47 No.58561 del
yeah and by "sinning" you mean stealing some bolts every now and then from people that wouldn't notice the difference even if you stole 100x more. stop pretending you're such a villain. if you need to force it like that you don't have it in you and that's ultimately a good thing, even if it often feels like a disadvantage. At least you won't get thrown in a jail cell and left to rot. Probably. I complain about society all the time but I won't pretend like I'm a hermit living in the woods. I'm not convinced I could handle real isolation in the long term, probably not even with internet access. But I'm going to be responsible and stop at that observation and not try to give you any advice on where to go from where you are. I leave that role to the regulars with arthritis and back pain