Anonymous 09/05/2024 (Thu) 12:37 No.58566 del
Petty theft clearly isn't getting me anywhere. I'm thinking of like how politicians will steal 10s of millions in USD and rape women on boats. Though we couldn't just start doing that, the first step would something like becoming a lawyer or some government drone and be as crooked as possible. Jeffrey Epstien comes to mind, but neither of us could have been him, we aren't in the circle of trust of being jewish and married to a mossad agent.
>At least you won't get thrown in a jail cell and left to rot
Probably is right. As a white honkey cracker I have to actually worry about that, and if kamala becomes president It's probably over for me.

Cool. The one thing that stands out is the sound of the doors being the same when you open them as when they are 20 feet behind the character and close. The lighting is excellent.

Over half of her is leg length, very nice.
>videos about yuri, kabedon, and tall people
After looking up what the first two mean I am sensing a theme