Anonymous 10/10/2024 (Thu) 11:29 No.59673 del
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>doesn't seem to be that hard for you. I know what you mean though. I think it really depends on who the other person is and on your own wellbeing.
What I mean is, even you do something "good" it might not really be good for them. For example, it would make my niece or any child happy to eat ice cream, but it might be bad for them because of the sugar and it might not be healthy for them. Or it would make her happy if I bought her some toys, but she already has 100 from her parents who keep buying her stuff because they don't spend enough time for her. Or you can't help a homeless person by giving money because he might just buy alcohol from it and might his life worse from that. Or you can't fix Africa by giving them money because it creates a reliancy on foreign aid. They will just use up the money and have more children without learning to sustain themselves. And so on. So, oftentimes helping someone is difficult