Anonymous 09/21/2021 (Tue) 07:49:38 No.13505 del
It sounds like you have ideas how to protect against ddos, wipes, and other threats. Pls share.
You also might wanna create a board and check the available tools and options, and tell us how it lacks.
If the users don't say what they need, how devs can know what to give them, what to make? A mute child's speak is unknown even to his mother.

Btw we might implement changes slow because as the meme says we do it for free. We have our lives to attend to first, and it varies when and how much we can spend on Endchan's development. We have other related projects as well, like a new imageboard engine: lynxphp. It is written in php, and aims at the Lynxchan engine's feature set. Right now it is implemented on another of our chan, Wrongthink:
Our goal is to make an engine which is easier for us to make changes and development on. We also need feedback from the users about what is needed by them.
I'm not asking for money, I ask patience and useful suggestions, feedback. Thanks.