GOD BLESS HITLER AND ALLAH FOREVER. Anonymous 07/10/2024 (Wed) 00:22 No.50763 del
If they get Me, you guys, know I fought the good fight for God. And if I can win against these terrorists in Oklahoma City, we can spread SWASTIKAS and USSR flags SKY HIGH. GOD BLESS HITLER, VLADIMIR P, STALIN AND KRUEGER FOREVER.

HERE is the Holy Qur'an Part II that I wrote. By Brett Von White.

Sura I. Al-Hades: The Chosen One of God

1:1 The only bounty I seek from Allah is His Infinite Glory and Mercy.

1:2 All day long praise Allah for His Omnipotence reigns Eternally.

1:3 Allah is the Supreme Authority of the Universe, God of the Holy Qur'an.

1:4 Bow to Allah, Submit to God, Shi'a Islam.

1:5 Show mercy upon all who call upon God.

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