Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:03:13 No.6092 del
(45.27 KB 680x510 us base hit.jpg)
ВВС Турции "по ошибке" нанесли удар по базе спецназа США в Сирии.

Фотография из Твиттера:

Официальное заявление американских властей:
> нет раненых среди американцев
> According to US officials, Turkish artillery shells fell close to a US special operations unit near Kobani today. No Americans were wounded.

Согласно курдским источникам, ранено двое французов:
> The Turkish army is bombing the headquarters of the International Alliance in Mashta Nur in Kobani, where the presence of French soldiers, which led to the injury of two French soldiers and news of the bombing of two aircraft of the Turkish army on the outskirts of Kobani now.