Spartan 06/10/2020 (Wed) 23:15:31 No.300842 del
my mom who voted for obama emailed me this today

>Latest Trump proposal:

>5/12/2020 Congressional Freeze of Benefits

>They worked Only 111 of the year's 365 days.

>So many members of Congress are retiring in hopes of "locking-in" their future retirement payments. Currently, their monthly retirement
checks are equal to their monthly salaries. They hope to freeze
their retirement as it stands. I'm with Trump on this one.
Trump is asking everyone to forward this email to a minimum of 20 people and to ask each one of them to do likewise.This makes too much sense not to be passed on. In 3 days, most people in the United States will have seen the message.

>This is why the idea should be passed around, regardless of Political Party.

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