Sploder General Thread #1 Anew##4rOLGA 09/23/2019 (Mon) 21:24:21 No.15 del
(140.79 KB 1031x934 Sploder MS 2019.png)
>What is Sploder?
Sploder is a website where you can play and make games. It's a website created for users to play, make, and rate other's games. There are currently six different game modes: Retro Arcade, Platformer, Physics Puzzle Maker, 3D Algorithm, and the Classic Shooters which have been out since the website's release back in 2007 (Robots and Spaceships with 2d maps)
<Isn't Flash dying in 2020?
Sadly, yes. I'm not so sure if the owner (Geoff) plans on moving the website to HTML5 in the future, but the community is slowly fading away along with the gamemaking. Hopefully something happens soon where we can preserve our favorite games and perhaps make new ones that we love with these timeless creators. (Except you Algorithm, we hate you)
That's not even counting the forums and discord community, in which the latter is still fairly active and discusses many different topics besides Sploder. If you're new here and haven't heard of Sploder before, welcome! We encourage you to take a look around our nifty little community and perhaps make yourselves at home. We hope you enjoy!

Discuss what games you've played recently, and recommend games for others to play if you feel like it. Share some good games. As for myself, I actually feel like getting back into playing and making games myself (although I'm bad at making games but I digress)

Website Link: http://www.sploder.com/