Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 00:12:53 Id: 3d5790 No. 16 del
>And the two main characters don't have much reasoning behind any of their actions.
>Without getting nitpicky about it, my only major complaint is watching the movie feels like playing a low grade linear first person shooter.
Not sure how there can be anything redeeming with after that. They didn't cure cancer, did they?

>Overall I can't say its a bad movie
Wait, but you just described why it is a bog-standard Hollywood product a few paragraphs above. It was supposed to be a high-budget piece of entertainment for the average first-world citizen - sounds like that's exactly what it is.

>It is by far better than the prequels
I hope not having Jar Jar Abrams isn't be the only thing making it better.

Eh, history knows a lot of repetition. Went through a period when I looked down on concepts I deemed unoriginal, but with time it became obvious pretty much everyone is rehashing old ideas. Quality rehashes by filmsmakers who have interesting takes on them are as good as it gets, I'm afraid.