Sunflower 03/26/2022 (Sat) 10:49:46 Id: bc26b8 No.1160 del
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Two nights ago I woke up to a loud metallic bang in my room. I went up and walked around the house but saw nothing. At the same time I was aware of a hard white "rod" on the astral having been crushed from pressure being applied to it, like simply destroying a supporting pillar by overloading it. I wasn't sure what it was at the time, but now I'm starting to think it was the "backbone" of the liberal world order mentioned by Rotschild on twitter. He said
>we must defend Ukraine against Russia or it will mean the end of the liberal world order
Interesting to note is that the Russian officer's handbook has been found in the field and published online, it includes this:
>the armed forces of the Russian Federation is the last line of defense against the satanic world order
Both of these support what we were recently told during channelling, that this war is two NWO factions fighting to determine who is stronger.

Russia yesterday said they were done with phase 1 of the war and was going to secure Donetsk next. In reality I believe the real objectives on the ground were to capture the US biolabs in pre-emptive self defense and killing Zelensky to send a message. The images shown on tv are not him, I was told they assassinated him. It's either a double or a deepfake. They were trying to divert attention away from Zelensky by talking about Putin's hand moving through a microphone one week ago, implying it was Putin using greenscreen.

It should be obvious to anyone the Donetsk and Luhansk regions are merely used as a way to enter the territory, copying the NATO tactic of funding "rebels" in a country and using them as an excuse to start bombing, like they did in Syria and Libya. But on the astral, if the backbone structure of the LWO was broken, Russia has no reason to keep pushing, they can start shortening and concentrating their lines and preserve their troops instead.

This whole thing seems like it's also meant to show the liberals that their faction is so weak, all it takes is 200k conscripts with 3 month education, using soviet era equipment and 1941 style frontal assaults', and liberal democracies will be in complete disarray after 2 weeks.