Sunflower 03/27/2022 (Sun) 09:57:11 Id: 7a68c8 No.1175 del
>Speaking about food and cleansing the 3D body, what do you think about meat? Is it dirty? Does the karma makes eating it not worth its nutrients?
I think you need to think about your own stance first, then the material itself after. I would go about it like this:
Why do I need to eat meat? Is it mere cravings or do I need it to build up my body? Then how much do I need to eat?
Then I would move on to the actual material and consider:
What kind of meat should I eat? What are the production methods like?

So with above in mind, I would go by what djinn told me; that fat meat is better than meat with little fat. So pork is better than beef. But should I eat meat at all? What if I replace it with soy beans? Well turns out soybean production is very harmful for the environment and it can only be produced in certain countries. So it's then better to eat locally produced meat than imported soy because of the oil burned up in transportation and the rainforest cut down in production. But if you live next to a bean farm, maybe that's the better alternative from a karmic view.

All eating requires killing unless you only eat fruit. You either kill animals or plants, they're no different in that they are physical lives.

I'm not telling you what to do, but just giving some examples to get you thinking about what motivates your consumption choices. I've found myself that I can no longer eat meat more than once daily or I get a stomach ache, so I just don't. But avoiding all together means eating something else, and there is nothing saying the replacement is karmically better.

You can apply the same things with your online habits.
Why do I visit this website/play this game, what is my motivation? Should I spend time and energy (also electricity) on this activity? What would I do if I didn't visit it, would I do something worse?