Sunflower 03/29/2022 (Tue) 17:49:19 Id: 2465bf No.1187 del
>is it by default that you will also have a tablet when you create the particle?
No. Most particles are not unique, especially not when created from following a collectivized egregore like cabal vampirism or Alissa who is an elemental. You'll be referring to their sigil carved into the rock "out there", which grants immortality just the same, but is not personal.

That's why this thread is about creating a tablet inside your own soul, which is specifically your own version. You can do this with Alissa directly and you will have a tablet with the same sigil in it, but this one is your own. Being this unique is kind of difficult though, few people can do it. It's more likely that the regular mass culture people are going to become immortal by following something like the moon, which is why those collective egregores are more known.

Here we aim to be those few elite practitioner who can do it though.