Sunflower 03/29/2022 (Tue) 20:19:28 Id: 2465bf No.1189 del
It's about the same as asking for the difference between socialism and libertarianism. They give different types of restraints and different freedoms. For some people one or the other has restraints which are unacceptable to them. What we're doing here is more like build-your-own-dictatorship where everyone can be an elite. So maybe socialism with no workers if that makes any sense at all? There are different ways to understand things that look the same, someone could also say that is the same as libertarianism where anyone can have their own army. But is it? Telling people about the stone tablet is a way to share the possibility of being an elite, removing its exclusiveness. There are those who hate that, they think the value is only in keeping it away from people. I see it as a matter of skill level, not as a comparison between a large number of serfs and a small group ruling over them.

If this doesn't matter to you, it doesn't, then don't bother with it.

There is one last thing to mention though, stone artifacts have similar qualities, and this is gradually relevant for metallic artifacts. Some are still indestructible in the same way as the tablet form. In some way I want to tune this method to the extreme, creating artifacts with the same quality as those primitive tablets, while being refined like a "regular" material object. Sakuya's knives are supposed to be like this when done right, for one example. Touhous very well match this idea of everyone being their own dictator.