Sunflower 04/04/2022 (Mon) 22:47:47 Id: 20c98f No.1249 del
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>Weird, they wanted me to work more with my body?
No that was your weakest point and it was the most "attackable" but yes.

>I feel like a useless parasite tbh
Also something you need to work on :)

>tools get slippery and its unconfortable to use them
What tools are you using? Metal? Plastic? For wooden tools (hammmer/pitchfork) and other "dry" things like sand or building blocks it's better. And more work makes the skin thicker and dryer.

But I guess no matter how "Mister sweaty hands" I was in my early teens I worked too much and my palms are everything but
>very thin and soft

>perfect punishment for someone who cut a lot of wood
There is also an interesting thing to know about wood. Not all tree is a "good" tree. Forest engineers are a thing. The problem is always complete deforestation for "parking lots". In the vampire thread there was the gnome story. Some trees were "unmarked" for a reason. And I don't know if you have some allergies or not but you need to understand/master nature to a degree too. Gilgamesh was a king in Babylon but outside? There was always some trouble that befell on him.
But I don't know. I only see your problems from my perspective and not yours. My ways might not be yours. But it's not a problem. You need to figure out the path on your own in the end.