Sunflower 04/21/2022 (Thu) 20:26:19 Id: 972fd5 No.1408 del
Ah fuck I want to write this down too.

The Golden apple of Eris.
Why that caused chaos. What is chaos? The "clashing" of "authorities". Eris just dropped hers because she is the godess of discord and she doesn't give a shit if she has that or not she wants to see others to fight not herself.
Well Hera didn't have authority because it was "shared" with Zeus but she had no power over the ways of Zeus. Athene also didn't have it. Her armor made her "safe" so she was not absorbed back into Zeus but had no authority over anything. But at least this way she could focus on "wisdom"
Now Aphrodite. The reason Gaia and Ooreanos mated. Well she also didn't have authority. But love is a "higher authority" than authority itself. Figuring out I cannot see love as a "type of authority" was a hard one for me...
That is why Paris chose the offer of Aphrodite. And why Helene left her husband of "authority" for love. Aphrodite had enough power now that she could "sway" someone under the influence of the most powerful authority.

Also Troy's walls and riches represent the "closed system authority". While the other kind represented the "no wall" ever expanding authority. But the walls could fall through trickery "wisdom" and not by might.