Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 21:27:00 Id: b892f0 No.1471 del
(103.21 KB 474x459 rickety reading4.png)
>I want to ask you to read me once more
>I'm rickety anon
Your image is very similar, by now it's making me think this sucking tunnel is what Yuuka talked about. You have the same thing, but your image doesn't have any weird twisting feeling. It's very "rational". It's also entirely blue like in heaven, you have lots of soft blue gong and only a small hint of the red. Your image actually looks a lot like previously mentioned
>sorcerer Thal
or what his name was. (If we are thinking of the same guy, shared a sigil for something he had created and is active on Facebook. Decent sorcerer from what I've seen.)