Sunflower 05/12/2022 (Thu) 09:03:27 Id: 4e81cf No.1505 del
>When I looked earlier I only found 32 people with souls left in my country, not counting reptilians. A few more came in from Ukraine as refugees, with at least one in my area, but that's about it.
Is there anything that sets those people apart from the souls who left?

>When I listen to live radio I can tell it's sometimes my drow or the murder nymphs from the park acting as the host.
I've noticed a friend talking about some deep and personal(to me) stuff to me while making jokes and talking in an unusual way.

Do you know if its possible for me to contact one of those greys that look human and have "mohawks" instead of the classic type. Also is it ok to ask for like 20 modules at once? I don't want to annoy them.

BTW a friend told me that he saw that pic on /x/ and that its a shop, he says the post numbers can't be from 2006 and it makes sense to me.