Sunflower 07/16/2022 (Sat) 19:30:48 Id: bc6ab7 No.1757 del
Oh and the ethereal portal to the "atlantean"/greek mythos world was light blue. There were "blue" ethereals there. If I gave them gold they were willing to serve me. They were way too zealous and wanted the return of the hellenistic world order so I didn't deal with the warriors too much.

And now I remember that the "bronze age body standard" then the "silver age body standard" with the soulsmiths...
Grey is like... silver...

Everything is on that map huh.
Thanks for drawing them.

Vampires respect power. If you can overpower them they give you everything. And I had a bunch of vampire guides as I went along. Don't worry if you skip some. If they are important they will come back. But sometimes ask what they want. A little conversation with entities can be helpful on the path.