Sunflower 12/11/2022 (Sun) 21:03 Id: 845da4 No.2261 del
Now why am I talking about some basic thing like this. Well...
For me it wasn't a development. It was an awakening process. My problem in life was that I couldn't find a woman that "stimulated" my animus well enough. Thankfully this problem was solved thanks to the occult and with a myriad of superpowerful female entities.
When you interact with entities they usually overtake one of your "unconscious aspect" to communicate with you (if you are not just not using it but can't even use it then it's the most obvious way to communicate with you). This is fine but here comes a thing. Your mental development "defines" how you can communicate with entities.
Now here comes the interesting problem. Every entity/person is on a different level of anima/animus development. And all of them "take up" a small portion of your subconscious as you remember them. Just because you are at a "high level" of mental development that doesn't mean you "mastered" your lower level anima. Now why this is important.
If you connect your animus and anima with the gyan mudra then you are supposed to "converse" with your "inner forces". Now if you are a mundane you will not find your inner voice but instead you will find it in "others". So instead of finding your deeper connection to go forward in spirituality you will waste it by "seeing "real" people". And when you almost connect to your inner "being" you will make a "memory" of someone else and think that that is not "me" but someone I talked to yesterday.
I can feel just how much pain this is to read already and I am barely even at the weird part

>it forms the "promiscuity" mindwave
why... this... fucking.... bullshit..... is... IMPORTANT
Well... You need to be able to "charm" your unconscious female. It's not good enough that you can "find it" it needs to "come to you" and most importantly STAY WITH YOU.
This "promiscuity" mindwave is great in a temple because you will "connect" to some entity that resides in the temple and even better in the nature because you will connect to the "earth" itself. (Or in a spiritual circle to the spiritual level of your friends/mentor) But if you constantly mingle with mundanes you will connect to them and while that deepens your bond with them it hinders the "establishment" of your own connection to the spiritual. And when you have that established connection. Things start to get weird.