Sunflower 11/27/2021 (Sat) 20:09:12 Id: bc26b8 No.238 del
(59.13 KB 960x944 your terms society.jpg)
You've heard of blood drinking elites, of adrenachrome? Addicts looking for the next refined substance will end up there. They can't stop, they do not control themselves.
What happens when the particles become to big, too stretched out? Same as the empire, they collapse. This happens as someone is trying to reach beyond the level of intergalactic groups.
You can connect galaxies and build a federation this large. But there is a limit. Once you try to reach outside of your group of galaxies, you can not unite people anymore. The principles for life are too different. When a galactic group, driven by the addictions of their elites, stretches outside of their area in space, they face other galaxy groups.

These will not tolerate exploitation, and they will all strike back at the one who attempted to steal their resources. It doensn't matter how different the other groups are, natural egoistic principles will lead to a situation where the one who made the move will be attacked by everyone. This is the end point. When the elite reaches here, they will face a resistance they can not overcome, their empire collapses, their slaves can not protect them and they end up in hell.

Covid is the manifestion of retribution on our planet. Covid at a metaphysical level is something entirely alien to us, and can not be understood by any existing science that we know of. The elites think they create it in a lab. They think they're using it to control the masses. But something else snuck in. This is the reason for the panic. Most middle level elites still "trust the plan" thinking if they just get saline shots they're fine, that covid is really just a flu, that they'll euthanize enough people to save natural resources for themselves.
The top knows that they have lost control, and they are legit in panic. They are going down, hell awaits them.
Don't empathize with them, they are scum. They deserve all this.