Sunflower 12/26/2022 (Mon) 22:55 Id: 53dcab No.2382 del
(37.77 KB 571x537 commie-san.jpg)
Good job comrade

>turns out it was never based on bad intent
Yupp it's funny. It could have worked but not the way it happened and not with the human mentality we have or they had.

>To get to the point, "the west" has been destroyed
I hope so. It's not like anything would change around me. My country is the last based country in europe that tries to stop all the retarded shit the EU is trying to do but you can do so much alone. Then I could do much more alone then it had no effect on the global scale and made me give up after you said that 2 rival NWO egregores are wearing each other down.