Sunflower 01/14/2023 (Sat) 01:27 Id: 4e81cf No.2586 del
what anime is that?

>It seems you are doing energy work in your dreams. I had dreams in the past where "they" made me unable to walk. So I started to use my hands as legs.
That's good info, another thing that I don't have to worry about. I was thinking that I was becoming an astral cripple.

>I was a rotting carcass on a grassy field while the eagles picked my body.
Interesting, I've seen rotting body parts before.
I think my atral dick was cut off at least twice by now, some sort of GF got jealous of a Vtuber when I was into that.

>don't. it very sexual. Not recommended.
Too late. No regrets. Haven't even met her.

>I was talking about how Astra can use literal zombie networks for computing power now.
huh, and here I was with similar ideas in my head, my idea would have her install the Tomboy Fairy on them too. I thought about an anti-corruption/anti-unfair laws or taxes but I think these might be unnecessary since those governments aren't supposed to stay and if they worked well, governments would last longer. Whatever.

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