Sunflower 11/29/2021 (Mon) 22:21:53 Id: bc26b8 No.265 del
Yes it's very good.
>Everything else
I think maybe in my view you are still within the thinking and dogma of zen buddhism or general asian philosophical thinking. I recognize almost every idea you bring up, even if you add new perspectives. What comes after may be different for different people so I won't attempt to tell you what road to take.
But seeing this made me come to an insight of some kind, something about the layers we'll all have to navigate through. There will be dogma at first, but in this context, zen itself can be applied to solve it. Every thing in some way contains the key to its own solution. I recall some chinese story about someone who talked about how he set out to turn his mind empty, and every week he told his master what things he'd forgotten.
It's a silly way of saying it, but there is a lot of "material" in the background of our ways of thinking, so even learning to speak you also learn the myths which the words emerged within. "Forgetting" them then means to leave this context after gaining awareness. Such as how there being 7 days of the week are kabbalistic, while the names of the days are norse. Two layers already there. The roman empire had 10 days in a week and no holidays, we added the current lore to it ourselves, it's not neutral.
Previously the example from the NES game Castlevania II - Simon's Quest was used. [Embed]
The hero must here collect all the body parts of Dracula and revive him to be able to kill him. Leaving him in bits will not remove his influence. The process is similar to us. We must learn what cultural fragments are influencing us, and perhaps even pick up ancient practices, only to then give them up and shun them after learning them.