Sunflower 01/16/2023 (Mon) 23:02 Id: 34f2dd No.2685 del
Galactic Federation channelling with the magic manager of Earth

Hi there.
The topic came up earlier so I thought it could be an idea to elaborate. Some may want to know what I meant when I talked of social values and how it can be that the federation supports them while current Earth elementary education does not. Let me create a mental image for you:

You spend your days at Walmart putting boxes on shelves and then you go to McDonald's to eat food that consists of fat and fibre. Then you drive home and complain about the traffic. When you get home you sit down to watch nonsense talkshows on TV. Then on Sunday you visit your church and the priest tells you that if everyone only had family values, you'd be happy. Then when you come home you go online and rant about how no one has family values and you start feeling depressed because everyone is a degenerate who doesn't see it your way.

Maybe you join a political movement to change things, and you want to add "family values" to the elementary school curriculum. You face resistance from "liberals" and start arguments about "trans kids" with strangers. All the while you achieve nothing and the world moves on just as before.

This is because theoretical "values" are simply a mind virus that takes up your brain capacity and reduces intelligence. "Family values" cannot be applied in reality, they are merely mental concept. At most you can refer to the ritual of marriage, but that is all. These "values" cannot be "upheld" because they are void of meaning. There is no practice associated with them.

Let me tell you of a value that can be practiced: islam. Keep women locked up, force them to wear hijab and to ever leave the house unless supervised by a man. Make them go through the marriage ritual and make them pregnant. Pray 6 times daily and do Friday prayer at the mosque. All of these can be practiced. They are not "values" of the kind taught in western schools. See the difference?

Now for the important part. Your church will tell you that humans were created as man and woman by God, and the institution of marriage was created for the survival of the race through all generations to come. This is false.

You may have heard the story of the soul mates. It says that originally humans were whole, then they were split in two and the other half is the soul mate you have to find to become complete again. This story is true, but mystified over time because no one can understand how much humanity has changed. Humans were created by God as one. That means they only had one body type, not two. There were no sexes. In modern language humans were hermaphrodites. They gave birth to genetic copies of themselves and no "family values" existed because there were no families. This was the original state of humans.

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