Sunflower 01/20/2023 (Fri) 23:44 Id: ad4b94 No.2729 del
When I create something complex I make use of my Astra (yes, my Astra who has local training in this) to build the different parts, then gradually add them into an object that works. Earlier I would also double check with Yuuka or my galfed assistant (who often made good sketches but made mistakes in the technical side of it).

For example, something like this
I told Astra to
>show me the kind of body that works best for this idea
then showing her the concept I had in mind. Astra would then suggest something, to which I may tell her
>I don't like those breasts, can you show me different types that would work for that kemono body
and she would give examples. Then I would do this for every part, eventually telling Astra to add them into a functional body type. Then I'd add functionality in the same way, until all parts are in place. To finish the artifact I would tell Astra to create an indestructible design stored on a module, going all the way from the perspective of higher gods and down so that it can function during the entire process of cultivation for the user. Astra would then channel higher gods and get guidance as she created the module.