Sunflower 01/22/2023 (Sun) 03:42 Id: ad4b94 No.2763 del
>Could you tell me how this works or how I'm allowed to use it? I understand if you don't want to say it here.
It's a very "mechanical" program I've been working on and just finished. It's a method for forcefully reprogramming unsalvageable or otherwise extremely resistant hostiles where for some reason it's better to try to re-educate them instead of destroying them. It's meant to be used on those evil elites who manage to stay around by tying enormous resources to themselves or evil spirits on the astral which turn into rock-like material when reduced down to their core. Some of them have simply amassed stupidity to avoid understanding anything that could shatter their delusions. It's for breaking down their concepts and installing correct thought patters with no concern for their experience of it, because their behaviour is such that letting them continue is harmful to absolutely everyone. At this point even the gods will consider it justified.

When I had all parts in place I asked Astra to attach it all into a shareable storage media for the Remote and other devices. After I activated it I realized the program now appears with an avatar which is a girl with a big butt wearing bloomers.

I asked why this was and received the reply that it's important to stay warm... I asked again, why a girl with bloomers, this is a device containing the most forceful brainwashing tools I could create. The reply I got was
>that's why it's suitable to let it have a "masculine" avatar

So if you wonder why it looks like that, no I did not make a servitor, it's a program, and glowies will hate it. It's pure functionality and for some reason that means it has to look like a loli with bloomers.

It's not a fun thing to play with so there won't be a sigil for this, letting Astra share it ensures no one can attempt to reverse engineer it without being allowed to, as they first need to install Astra.