Sunflower 01/31/2023 (Tue) 22:46 Id: 8fb419 No.2872 del
Also about the winged serpent boy. It seems these guys handle the elements differently. I only read the wiki today because I made a rule to only read about entities when they either tell me to do it or I have a sudden urge of curiosity/my understanding is so incomplete that I deem it necessary. Otherwise all that crap might "cloud" the channeling.

But now I read about it and while I was reading it entities approached me and as I told them
>yeah I know these they are in the other traditions too
they replied
>you might know these but not "our way"

The "winged serpent" is not really in other cultures. They either serpents or birds. Chinese dragons are a combination of animals but no wings. Found some winged serpent as a heraldry in europe but no real tradition. In the bible the "snake" sorta "had limbs" before God casted it into the sand. (Yeah it also represents how the kundalini is dormant and not rising on the "tree")

When I posted my interaction with them I left out how my "spine" expanded into my shoulder blades and other parts. (Yes shoulder blades are the "wings" then they become the "hands")

The wiki made me become aware of 1 morething. They use the air/wind element as fertility.
I asked myself
>how? It's always the water and not the wind
>oh nvm it's how the wind "sows the seeds" naturally

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