Sunflower 02/02/2023 (Thu) 09:49 Id: 91b8f8 No.2882 del
>the sun has "layers". For me it looked like 7 or 9 suns behind each other
I kinda saw this but didn't understand what it could mean. I do now. I thought Saturn would for some reason just stay really close behind the sun. That doesn't seem to be what is happening. The new sun is "eating" all the past suns. They're artificial celestial bodies after all, and at one point played the role of a sun. There is a conflict between them and the weaker bodies are being sucked in and burned up. Some entities approached me and said they'll knock Mars in too, "beacause we are tired of it". It was implied they're deities of Mars, they said they're not going to revive the planet so it's better to get rid of it.

This would mean most planetary magic will become ineffective, including divination using horoscopes. Only the Earth, moon, sun and New Nibiru would remain in our solar system.