Sunflower 02/04/2023 (Sat) 18:05 Id: 91b8f8 No.2906 del
>They'll deserve the pain they get
That's what Satan would say. But it's also what lyrans said when they shared the technology which humans used to create Moloch. There is nothing wrong with the technology itself, it was just massively abused.
>give people a spoon, and they will ask; how do we use it to kill babies?

>until this technology is so widespread and well understood that it counts like "humans always had it"
I don't think I have to do all that much personally. It's true that I'm stuck maintaining my local egregore because almost no one lives here (some serious Mandela effects in the past week, an old barn I've seen daily since well over 15 years suddenly changed from long and narrow to short and wide). It can be argued back and forth who is the useful idiot here, but give something to the Russians and they'll use it. Just like inspiring Musk to create electric cars. I don't have to do the work of spreading this. The trick is not in sharing astral technology, but to share it in a way that makes it usable for a general public. That's where the difference lies. Abduct some regular cattle-human? No one cares and nothing changes. Give them a saucer and they can use it with no pre-knowledge? First off they can't be cattlebydlo human anymore so their DNA has to change and they'll be registered as something else in the alien prison planet system. It doesn't matter if someone is an occultist or psychic, unless they did some proper conversion, they're still "cattle". So it's also this matter, can such people suddenly become free?

I wasn't considering this element, but that's what's in giving such a toy to someone. Maybe they were already unregistered from the control system because of being in some serious cult setting, but then... just initiating into something doesn't normally free a person or give them new technology that can fundamentally change society.