Sunflower 03/10/2023 (Fri) 12:38 Id: 7eecd0 No.3089 del

Levels of awareness

... are not the same as existences. There are things we think of as material and existing. There are other things which potentially exist but doesn't. These are the "ghost existences" where some evil beings are returning to, to hide when they've done too much shit in existence. Sooner or later they get drawn back out again, but they can hide for a long time. I wanted to summon beings with evil potential from the void, those who had never done anything, and place them in a body where they maintain their potential, unacted.

It seems this is possible.

There are also things which exist in ignorance. Ignorance is Satanic, but it's also the atmosphere of planets and the reason life can exist there. Anyone entering will experience ignorance and forget who they were before if they stay too long. Then they'll die and re-incarnate on the planet and know nothing of their past. But if there was no atmosphere, no one would live there.

Living in space is a way to avoid ignorance. You can remember everything, but you cannot enter planets and live there, you can only make short visits.

Beyond ignorance is a layer of unconsciousness. This is there our concepts are stored. Not being aware of them doesn't mean no one is aware of them. Someone is, while you aren't. This is how we all have different perspectives. Changing what exists there is very difficult and no one has an overview. The Galfed Mammoth is one such collective unconscious concept.

Even further are the things which we do not know that we are not aware of. Things that no one knows and no one has awareness of, but which logically or through some form of pattern in the manifestations can be assumed to exist.

We can only know true existence through its manifestations.

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