Sunflower 04/08/2023 (Sat) 20:55 Id: 7eecd0 No.3149 del
The Sunflower temple maid
is effectively a super nova far away in space. She will block access to the evil Moloch super nova system. A ritual has already been performed to hijack the 5 locations with the help of ancient demon lords.

The huge pentagram connecting to CERN, mentioned earlier, has this way also been overridden. It also means the lay lines to NY and the pentagon are now under the control of our temple deity.

While this is taking place, beast-miners and lyrans from the galactic federation have moved in to put out the moloch suns far out in space, then mining the material. As the fake super novas were created through massive crimes that can not be excused in any way whatsoever, the mining can be performed with no concern for the damage done. Regular artificial suns have karma involving the entire population including innocents, so mining those require great care. Not so with these other-dimensional suns. This makes the process fast and brutal. The effects on our society can show very quickly as well.

Go outside and you can feel the change in the wind. The evil atmosphere is no longer present.