Sunflower 04/16/2023 (Sun) 22:03 Id: 7eecd0 No.3156 del
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The federation said they were going to do a cleanse, then we're ready for 5D.

And a cleanse they did. After manually dealing with "terror elements" on the surface, they had cleared the inner ring of the planet aka Middle-Earth.

They moved into the outer ring, known to flat earthers as the lands beyond the ice wall (although this is to be seen as another dimension, there isn't actually an ice wall there like that). They said they needed to do a "thermal cleanse", evacuated 3 people who were salvageable, then melted the entire layer back into lava. They ran a fast timeline to have it stabilize, then reconnected flora and fauna creation from where it comes (apparently the "life" dimension can be turned on or off like a water hose if you have the ability), then moved back to middle-earth again. They sent in a huge ship, connected all remaining timelines into one, then moved them into the ship's dimensional storage (this is an "ark"), after which this layer of the earth got the same treatment.

This is where we are right now. No great flood again, just like God promised, this time it was pure lava.

A bit disappointing to see that among the local "aliens" who have been flying UFOs here all the time, only 3 (!) were decent enough to be saved. So much for being saved by fucking UFOs.