Sunflower 04/19/2023 (Wed) 17:32 Id: 7eecd0 No.3158 del
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American masons...

I don't understand what you were trying to do, and neither did the deities you addressed. You followed the proper procedure however, so it did work, it had a good outcome.

"Pentagram of desecration", sure, its a thing, and you were able to act the role of the devil for sure. You desecrated the idea of acting the way you acted. The girls you sacrificed were all immortalized (no, they weren't "unwilling") and the burned offering did make a point enough to call Santa Muerte out. She gave you the "blessing of death" because it wasn't clear what you were asking for. It will give you the opportunity to die in a state of peace, which actually can close the gate of Gehenna and save you from that kind of afterlife. "Dying in the faith of Christ" can have that effect, even for the worst sinners.

As for the show, impressively messy. Good job.