Sunflower 04/23/2023 (Sun) 11:49 Id: 7eecd0 No.3168 del
Fucking masons, again...

When working on the blacknet installation on the Earth and clearing out some pockets of resistance, I found things installed in the Earth egregore:

A large masonic V plus inverted, anyone touching it would be randomly shocked by a sentry gun. It had programming, but there was no sense in any of it. It had instructions for shocking people "if they perform rituals to open the 3rd eye". But the descriptions for rituals to block didn't include any rituals that could open the 3rd eye. It was all a random mess, probably leading to people getting shocked for accidentally matching the criteria when performing any kind of ritual. So the conditioning this was supposed to create didn't exist, it just attacked people for no good reason. Whoever created this obviously had no idea how to open the 3rd eye and just threw in a bunch of stuff.

A hand with eyes on each finger. The 5 eyes spy organization?

In the middle was a statue of a tall muscular man standing on a pillar. It was black.

I can guess it was meant to look like aged bronze or something, because it was kind of metallic, but why would you do this on the astral? It was factually a temple for worshipping a huge black man. Nude.

No fucking wonder the world turned out like this.

I cleared the place and put in the sunflower temple deity on the pillar instead, removed the sentry gun and the other stuff and handed over the protection mechanism to Net.