Sunflower 04/24/2023 (Mon) 09:12 Id: 7eecd0 No.3171 del
The gatekeeper of Existence

... has been summoned from the void.

You may experience a faint light inside of you, like a silent distant star. This is her.

Evil has been running freely back and forth through the gate of life ever since existing became a thing. Many of them do no treasure the miracle of life, even as they use the gate themselves, they will not allow others to do the same. They could be called "anti existence" in nature, yet they have been allowed to come in here, which has caused immense harm to those who value life, and to their own process of coming to realize the nature of the miracle they are using. Existence will give life freely to anyone, this is its nature. These entities have not valued this, but taken it as worthless, simply because it was given, and not paid for by the receiving end.

Its an unwritten rule of Existence that Evil must always support spiritual ascension or enlightenment for those who come in here, by presenting challenges and opposition. Going on a rampage in such a way that this is not achieved, is not allowed, never was. It is the reason these Evil beings end up in seemingly endless torment when paying back for their sins.

They take this as proof that Existence itself is Evil and must be fought against with any means. They will say things like:
"Who is this creator God anyway? Why did he give us life only to torture us when we exercise our RIGHT to kill anyone else? If are not allowed free will, we will KILL EVERYONE!"

This kind of behaviour will no longer be allowed.

The Gatekeeper will impose a minimum standard for Existence. That is the light you are feeling inside right now. Any Evil that does not support, in some form, the process of enlightenment of living beings, will be put back into the Void, and prevented from coming back in here.

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