Sunflower 04/25/2023 (Tue) 19:47 Id: 7eecd0 No.3183 del
When talking of levels of enlightenment or awareness, these are all measurements created socially. It's impossible for most people to imagine concepts which are not within a social context. But that is the reality of your inner soul.

Your subconscious stretches into an unconscious state, which is there for everyone, but inaccessible for any outsider. What you store in there is your own problem or blessing. You are all alone in handling it. That thing, that space, is your real free will, and the empty space which "the path" may lead to.

Having found it once, one may look for another incarnation to find another such cave of the mind. With no interaction with the external, this is the source which only flows outward, and cannot be effected by anyone. Not even your own conscious mind, because an act from awareness cannot change that which is created from the state of being unaware.

When it happens, it does. The intent to control what you cannot be aware of will be gone, and reality is exposed.