Sunflower 05/03/2023 (Wed) 14:49 Id: 7eecd0 No.3205 del

To rule over mundane matters, wizards created four artificial souls. Not mere golems like those of Babylon, or the bleak copies of humans created during the Moloch era. These were the Sphinx.

To be reincarnated into the same family line, generation after generation, these four would gather the knowledge of all of humanity into themselves. Living libraries with more knowledge than any living human could have, all complex matters would be left to the Sphinx to decide.

It worked. The Sphinxes' knowledge had everyone in awe. Humanity was excellent. Our only problem in the past was the inability to gather all knowledge in one person.

The Sphinxes became the supreme rulers of the Earth. To question a Sphinx was to question all of humanity.

Which individual person could claim to know more than all of humanity?


Everyone had to follow the Sphinx's decision, as the Sphinx represented humanity itself.