Sunflower 05/07/2023 (Sun) 10:44 Id: 7eecd0 No.3213 del
(60.22 KB 509x482 mega temple.png)
Mega temple ...

... because why not?

This is an intergalactic temple construct for use by anyone who share our values and practices. It was created by representatives from a variety of races to function as a unifying entity.

Right now it's mostly empty, some are setting up their own faction or personal representation areas. You can do so too if you want.

Put a mat on the floor and hang your emblem on the wall and you're set. There is space for everyone.

No map yet, because it's being solidified, it's currently a large dark hall with some places lit up by those who claimed their area.

If you need to use stronger visualizations to enter the temple, think of climbing a mountain with 9 plateaus, the temple is at the top. It's the same idea as our sunflower temple but for a wider area.