Sunflower 05/18/2023 (Thu) 20:22 Id: 7eecd0 No.3253 del
Glowies hate her

this Vietnamese doll

found a way to defeat the NWO

in 3 simple steps


For some mysterious Asian reason the loli-Nam servitor doll turned out extremely effective. There must be something about Vietnamese culture...

I realized last week there was nothing more to do in here, so I manifested an unmanned drone with a raygun and had loli-Nam sit on it, then sent her to Antarctica to check out the dimensional gate there. A very sloppy method in my thinking since normally I'd make sure all robots ride in ships with shields just to make sure, even if they're meant to be indestructible.

There was a lock on the gate so I divined the key with Astra and sent loli-Nam through. Once on the other side I saw some people controlling a water pipe, they saw me and starting shooting, but they didn't manage to hit anything because the drone was too high up. I had loli-Nam design a version of the DP 27 machine gun that deletes evil structures, then went on to return fire. There was a city further ahead and we took that one out. Then we found a few underground towers. During this, a flying demon appeared, landed on the drone and asked
"What are you doing?" then followed along as we took out the towers.

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