Sunflower 05/26/2023 (Fri) 22:33 Id: 53dcab No.3376 del
That shit warped reality on multiple accounts. It's crazy

>actual physical pen and paper seems to have a much better effect than typing on a computer
it's because the "typewriter" letters are not ancient enough and too common. The letters here have spaces between them. Words are not connected. There is not a real connection between letters. It makes the energy flow s l o w e r. I f I t y p e l i k e t h i s . Y o u c a n r e a d i t s l o w e r. While reading this is more easy. This is how it is in cursive energetically.

I am also experimenting with my "expression" how it flows how it changes form how it comes and goes from 1 mindwave to the next. How the body reacts to it. It's amazing how the "flow" "creates" reality itself.

The conductor just looks at the notes and waves his hand while playing not a single instrument. He hears all the instruments while the players of the instruments only hear their "own noise". While the conductor hears them all and knows how to play all the instruments while playing none. His instrument is the band itself. And he is being controlled by the notes! Does the maker of the notes know that he controls the conductor? Do the notes know what is happening while they are just simply "existing"

This thought process always goes through my mind when I am thinking about the "collective influences" of reality

That too. I encountered an ancient "writing style" that I thought are some kanji of sort but it turned out they represent reality warping wave functions. But because we "invented" writing it has far less effect on reality itself because "nobody uses it"