Sunflower 06/03/2023 (Sat) 11:22 Id: c97bef No.3454 del
From the brainless

to the eternal brain fairy

Ask NET, Astra or look in the blacknet. There is no standard installer disc for this, it's a glowing green lens, concave, to be placed in your solar plexus. You may not be able to use this, because of its peculiar design compared to most things.

The avatar is a small fairy wearing: a white dress, black knitted socks with red decorations, a green bead necklace.

Name: Eternal brain fairy

Function: It will remove the restriction on "anabolism" which exists in all beings, to allow for eternal growth of the brain. This normally is not a good idea, it leads to depletion of resources, waste and eventually death. Immortal jellyfish are able to pull this off because they are immortal and that imposes a restriction by principle.

Why this works here: Anabolism is the yang or male aspect of a being, to be balanced with yin or female, the catabolic aspect which is that of eating and breaking down that which has been created. By excluding the anabolic aspect itself, and turning into an aspect of catabolism, the eternal anabolism is now restricted by the available resources. The apparent downside of this is of course the subordination of the yang aspect to the yin, and the consequenting complete disregard for the principles of yang in themselves. Essentially this is creating an insane cannibal who can expand endlessly in all directions with no regard for anything outside itself.

That's why there has to be some principled restrictions, and that's what the symbolism of the fairy and her attires are there for. If you feel that you are willing to try to adopt and adapt this idea, it's now available. The avatar may have to be changed to suit your own principles, you do this as you install it.

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