Sunflower 06/03/2023 (Sat) 20:51 Id: 53dcab No.3455 del
I had a dream yesterday. I was in a sort of mall. And in that in a peculiar "private hospital" where they make you bathe in some fluids and give you a treatment with that. I had to bathe in some yellow light like fluid then they told me:
>You have a goat in your head which is destroying your brain
I knew I had heard this before somewhere. My mind dug up the "goat folder". Goats eat cabbages! With this all my goat related memories came back. I told them this is my "Capricorn type" "struggle" energies trying to "come out". They told me
>if you know what it is then it's probably okay then
I even remembered when meditating before I encountered this type of "Blockage" which was like 2 horns but only in the right side of my brain. One of my guides said
>This is the claw of death an improperly manifesting energy circuit
If you feel how it needs to come out it will come out the right way.
After realizing this in the dream I had a vision of an animal skull "biting" and with that my upper right wisdom tooth broke under the pressure. I got surprised how this happened and I knew I was in a "hospital type mall" so they have a dentist too. It was on the upper floor but it had a long queue which was so long people were standing on the stairs too.
I said fuck it I can get out the "root of my broken teeth" by myself. I started to "dig it out" with my tongue. Not my first teeth related magic anyway.

With that I had a new energy circuit unlocked and I could go into the "goat part" of my brain. If I did that the goat went into the "other side" of my brain. So I had to balance it so I occupied both sides of my brain properly. Then I woke up.

Symbolism upon symbolism
And mere coincidences as usual