Sunflower 06/16/2023 (Fri) 10:58 Id: c97bef No.3519 del
Central Enlightenment

It seems, while this should be obvious, that the view of, and understanding of, enlightenment levels, change as your own enlightenment level itself changes. Having fixed ideas and headbutting over them online (or otherplace) poses then a risk of cementing your understanding at your current level, blocking further improvement.

Those whose worldly power relies on others having the same, or lower, level as themselves, will then see an opportunity of keeping others down through conflict. Social media then, through "free speech", becomes factories of un-enlightenment.

Anon has talked of losing his hair, but according to what was said in Falun Dafa, the astral image of an Arhat is bald. Anon also had a dream after an intentional "Arhat session" where he saw himself as bald, with no previous knowledge of this lore.

My own understanding of what kind of form exists at different levels has constantly changed. I think I am at a certain level, but I'm aware that I may just be looking at it from below, or having partial enlightenment there. I've kept wondering, what is my "final form"? Does it exist? It seems that there is a "central" form at least, when the principles of the current level are laid bare within your current scope.

I saw different hindu deities when practicing yoga, Shiva being the first to appear. I've later seen myself from a past life as Radha. With no thought or intent, I've ended up using the Bhramari mudra and the MMMMM sound for ethereal energy. (The sound of bees, associated with Bhramari.) It was never my intent to do anything like this, but when I created astral bots for Sunflower and other "functional" servitors, I used bee and wasp forms because it just "worked best".

... and then, I suddenly realized I've been cultivating the form of Bhramari all along without being aware of it.