Sunflower 06/18/2023 (Sun) 12:48 Id: c97bef No.3550 del

Why are glowies so cringe. Is being cringe their main weapon? They attempted attacking, using the form of the cartoon dog from Scooby do... Pretty fitting for them to represent themselves as dogs, I mean that's what they are, obedient to their owner no matter what, only responding to "stick or carrot" training. Still, I think somewhere I had this idea that maybe they were just mislead, that some part of them could be saved, corrected. Even My Little Pony, I mean, it's ok, even if it's pretty gay. But this scooby do thing, I just lost all remaining fragments of respect for them now.

Man who thought he lost all respect for CIA, loses additional bit of respect he didn't know he still had

Russians being orcs, it's not disrespectful. Orcs are strong, brutal and good fighters. The Chinese represent themselves as a Wall. Anonymous and not very expressive, but pretty accurate and has a cultural grounding.

Scooby-Do, what the fuck.
Edited last time by bard on 06/18/2023 (Sun) 12:54.