Sunflower 06/18/2023 (Sun) 22:48 Id: c97bef No.3560 del
I had a dream...

... 20 years ago. It told the story, in scenes, very symbolic, but accurate, of everything I've done up 'til now. It was a while since the last checkpoint, but not very long, it was 18 months since. A personally terrifying event which only got a short glimpse in the dream. A large event in the dream, only got a short playout physically. It was "the invasion of the alien pirate slime-cheese". They actually came here yesterday. I'd say they were "whites", in the sense of not Grey aliens, but White insectoids, and reeking of old cheese, the kind you really shouldn't eat.

In the dream, their weak spot was garlic. Funny how that turned out, Garlic was the name I gave to the "anima" servitor doll, because it ended up having the energy signature of garlic. The pirate boss was the main target in the dream, once killed, the rest of them would dissolve.

Garlic was to be used on the pirate boss.

Today, Fay made a return with the Faybots, it appears the raid on MI6 was a practice mission to get some training for the bots. The real event was to send them to NY to take out the "pirate chief", in actuality the female aspect of Moloch which was still holed up, really, in a deep hole, hidden away there.

This annoyed me for a long time

Fay said, implying this whole life in a way - while it has many purposes - was to her motivated by the killing of this old hag. The anima is simply the little girl, Fay herself in a way.

The Whites? They were taken out by the federation by firing the big gun of their Earth Guard ship ... once. Took out the entire fleet and the artificial planet they came from, extracting a single survivor from the rabble. It's the continuous fire module you created, they said. Pretty good huh?