Sunflower 06/20/2023 (Tue) 19:44 Id: 3e1480 No.3583 del
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This is an interesting coincidence

Many years (or maybe a decade?) ago I made a "magic sword". It was a sort of "wand type" sword. The point was to be able to channel all types of energies for any kind of magic. Because I was busy IRL as always I didn't have time to utilize it properly so I only used it for self defense when I got randomly attacked by whatever. Because of that I mostly channeled fire. As I used it more and more I increased the power of fire with the fire of Mars then Gevurah mixed with all my wrath and anger. When I started to post a year ago my sword suddenly became sentient. This prompted me to visit the kabbalistic realms.

When I reached Gevurah I have seen a realm made of the reddest raging fire and entities that know how to fight. I knew this will be a battle of the ages. As I took up my usual "stance" with the sword I have noticed that the entities looking at me dumbfounded like "wtf do I want". Then I noticed my body is making a sort of "dark mist" as I am standing there. I realized these are the "impurities" in my body "slowly burning". This made me realize what a fool I am and what is this Sephirah about and asked the entities there to beat the shit(impurities) out of me. Then I visited other realms and realized the depths of the great tree.

>went to study law, learn hebrew, and become a professional jew.
Even more of a weird coincidence that I have been visited by a Jewish "shade" last year. He had the jewish attire glasses and the "kosher haircut" or whatever it is called but no beard because it seems he couldn't grow it. I knew he was a "beginner kabalist" or something similar but how did he get to me? I wanted to sleep and I realized an even more "potent" energy type back then which was a sort of compassion and because he was bothering me while I was trying to sleep I gave him some. He went away then I got a vision of him sitting like baphomet and laughing maniacally while burning with the "wand torch" above his head. I thought if he is happy then I am happy this energy is about compassion and contains dharma in a way so whatever (I wanted to sleep anyway)
With this I was able to access a bunch of "Talmudic" "knowledge" by summoning his now "purified form".

Not to mention my dreams of seeing a burning server because they "overclocked themselves" and burned while still "functioning". Then endchan usually died after it...

C o i n c i d e n c e s
as usual