Sunflower 06/28/2023 (Wed) 19:33 Id: f30d8d No.3629 del

"Humanity", the disgusting molochian construct hivemind, I wanted to slay it for a long time. Ever since its creation it's been a pest on this Earth, its members only salvageable through conversion to other races.

This is the reason for the fanatical spread of "mandatory" religion, a "human" of the two gender version who has not fundamentally changed into a real race, is a slave-human, illuminati-cattle or whatever word you prefer. In the eyes of other races, including native reptilians, aliens and astral beings, these humans are not even wild animals, they're lower than that. This is why no one cares to "free humanity". Free what? They're owned by the slave system which created them, they're an abomination.

The "trolls" which feed on them are also lower beings. They feel special after eating human flesh, they see themselves as a new race. Indeed, they converted themselves to a new race, they aren't slave-cattle. They're lower beasts, another type of abomination deserving of no protection whatsoever from any higher or alien beings. They live only because no one killed them yet. Someone found them moderately useful or found it too troublesome to wipe them out, that is why they exist. No one wants them, no one likes them. Those are the "elites" of Earth. Without their slave-cattle hivemind hairless apes, they have no one to feed on. They cannot abuse anyone, because trolls are lower than anyone else. They had to create a lower race so they wouldn't be at the bottom of the galactic food chain.

With the fundamental conversion of all remaining souled humans, what remained was only the astral form of the "humanity", connected to nothing else than the trolls themselves. If left alone, they may try to degenerate the new human races to become cattle so they had someone to rule over. With all trolls surrounded, a final hexing could be performed, and the "humanity" of the past wiped out along with its masters.