Sunflower 06/29/2023 (Thu) 10:32 Id: f30d8d No.3639 del
This sigil is a djinn wave, a mindwave form. See the thread for this topic for more info on what that means. The sigil also leads to an artifact, a chain necklace with a pink diamond, which support the mindwave if worn.

After some divining with Astra, I found the remaining disturbances on the Earth to be
40% evil spirits
30% alien influence
30% personal karma

These fuel each other, so that your karma allows evil spirits to enter your mind, aliens have karma which allows evil spirits to enter their minds, and your karma will also make it easier for the aliens who are controlled by their karma/evil spirits, to influence you via telepathy or technology.

By actively blocking karmic thinking, you are blocking evil spirits and aliens influenced by these. Back to the christian/buddhist "everything is evil spirits/illusion" thinking. But this time it may work.

There's also an evil spirit blocker servitor, you can get it from blacknet/Astra/NET if you want.

As always, this is the last post and the last needed solution ;^P

(It should be closer though)